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因人手不足,本店铁定于2023年5月22日停业,已寄出的包裹,会跟进直至派送完成,多谢贵客过往的支持,希望很快可以再为各位服务。仃业期间,如有任何问题, 可电725-207-6833查询

Due to lack of manpower, our store will definitely close on May 22, 2023. The packages that have been sent will be followed up until the delivery is completed. Thank you for your support in the past, and hope to serve you again soon. During the closing period, if you have any questions, please call 725-207-6833

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近日发现有其他快递公司用敝店名义代寄包裹,请各位贵客认清敝店-海达快递,并无分店,谢谢. 各位贵客请移玉步, 到敝店3560 Wynn Road, Las Vegas, NV 89103 Recently, it has been found that other express companies mailing parcels in the name of our store. Please


UPS ACCESS POINT 3560 Wynn Road, Las Vegas, NV 89103 (725) 207-6833 营业时间 : 星期日至星期五 10时-6时

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