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因人手不足,本店铁定于2023年5月22日停业,已寄出的包裹,会跟进直至派送完成,仃业期间,如有任何问题, 可电725-207-6833查询

Due to lack of manpower, our store will definitely be closed on May 22, 2023. All the packages that have been sent will be followed up until the delivery is completed. Please call 725-207-6833 if any questions.

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Person Taping Box at Warehouse

US/China Parcel

We cooperate with some well-known express delivery companies in China to provide safe, fast and reliable international express delivery services to all customers in mainland China.


Did you lost your important letter because you often move, or your package was stolen, or credit card was stolen without any reason, or you were tired of changing your address, or you didn’t want others to know your home address, Problem solved.

Mailbox Rental

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